Friday, February 29, 2008

"planet x", our sister star

I was watching this last night, its 50 minutes long, but you could probably skip most of it, or have it on while youre playing a video game (i was on wow healing an instance, listening to it)

It talks about how we are in a binary star system, with a brown or white dwarf, that every 2400 years causes "the end of the world" when it returns to our part of the solar system. we have seen this other star twice in the past 25 years: in 1983, as it was 50,000 light years away, and again a few years ago, as it was 9,000 light years away. It is quickly approaching, and will be here by 2012.

there is another series, that while it doesnt acknowledge that "planet x" is our sister star, it is much more concise, and provides a slightly different view on the events to come in 2012

learning about this has showed me that time is cyclical. the rise and fall of celestial bodies, and their interaction with our part of the solar system has drastic effects on it. Not only that, but there is a regular pattern to these events that the ancients were able to synchronize their time to. the universe replicates these tiny cycling objects over and over and over again, from electrons spinning (or at least moving) around the nucleus, our earth rotating about its own axis, our solar system flying through space on an arm of our galaxy.. who knows how high (and low) this pattern goes. Infinity is a very simple concept to grasp if you dont try too hard. i think of winding up a great cosmic clock and letting it go, letting entropy unwind.

things are much greater than we know, what we think we know.
we are inevitably running towards death, unable to stop or slow down.
enjoy your cancer.


on a personal level, as i have said ive always been interested in space. I have always believed in aliens, and to a certain degree spirits/ghosts. When i was younger and on my first alien "kick" sometimes i could feel a presence, as if something was out there (or very close) watching, knowing. Last night, i felt that presence again, but only briefly. it was distinctly familiar, and i hadnt felt it for many years (many to me is 7 or 8, oh how young we all are).

i am reminded of a dream i had once. the aliens had come. i remember walking out into my living room, and a giant eye was looking through the picture window. the radio told us all to go to the mall. once there, it was very crowded, of course it was as the whole town was there. the aliens were calling people forward, to take with them. i kept asking them to take me, but i was not selected. i was not meant to go with them.
i had another dream, that i had gone outside to play with a gun, and i shot towards the sun, and made it, destroying the sun. everything was slowly growing colder and darker, this process would take a few years. everyone knew it was my fault for shooting out the sun and dooming them all.

i have also realized that in light of this "blogging revolution"/information age, much of our data is stored on centralized servers. If a world destroying sun (our own little death star) did bring down a rain of meteors, much of our information would be lost. This destruction of information seems to occur with every cycle we go through. imagine how much information has been destroyed over the millennia. when the major servers are destroyed, especially those for blog sites, the "lives" of millions will be lost forever, for once, not in the literal sense but figuratively. where we previously has journals, and tactile evidence of the past, we now store much of our data electronically, which not only makes it more efficient to contain, but also to destroy.

what did our ancestors know that has been lost to the ages?

Friday, February 22, 2008

random crap about stuff and shit

i know i could probably be a little more specific with my topic. i mean, i sort of know what im gonna be talking about. i may go back to doing vlogs if i can get that set up, although im not sure they would really help me make my points.


ive kinda been on this tangent for a few months now, ive probably been interested in aliens my whole life. Perhaps it started with close encounters of the third kind. i know i loved that movie, so thats what probably initially fueled my interest. i remember checking out books from the library about alien sightings. more recently i watch stuff on youtube. lulz.

What is out there?

I always view reports of aliens/ufos with some skepticism. and granted, im sure there are fakes that i dont catch. But i think that enough people have witnessed these types of events, and there are consistencies in their reports. Discrepancies are attributed to the theory that as many as 52 alien species are visiting us. Holy shit, 52? not just the little gray men? wait, you mean green?

green, gray, orange, brown... who knows what else?
look at all the creepy fish we have only so recently discovered in the oceans. EVOLUTION HAPPENS PEOPLE. we have evidence, we can see natural selection happening, it doesnt take that long. so what the hell makes earth so special that were the only life out there among the infinite number of stars and galaxies. what makes air and water so special that they should be the sole life-force? organisms are highly adaptable, able to withstand high and low heat, and considerable pressure. I believe that where life can form, it will.

i personally think at least some of these visitors are from our own solar system. it doesnt seem like they could travel hundreds of light years in those tiny ships.
perhaps these beings created us? or some forms of life on this planet? we are messing with genetics and nature. we are mastering (really nowadays its modifying) our environment to support ever increasing numbers of our kind. (i cant wait till we start having famines. that'll kill off plenty of people. perhaps we can breed with anorexic people to better withstand the effects of malnutrition.)

those visited by grays seem to receive the message that we are destroying our planet, or that "the end"/"doom" is approaching. Some regard them as prophets in this sense.

how would we know where aliens come from? we cant ask them, our words would not be the same as their name for their home planet. If theyre not from around here, how would we even make sense of what they told us?

why do we seem so much less technologically advanced than these visitors? are we? maybe their life just necessitates advanced forms of travel. why does it seem some can communicate telepathically? or do we just imagine this to fill the silence we encounter?

is mans destiny to explore the universe?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

i guess im pretty much gonna use this blog as a dump for philosophical ramblings and probably some crap from 4chan.

maybe once in a while ill actually talk about something relevant to my life, but not likely