Thursday, January 8, 2009

YouTube conspiracy theorists... sigh..

YouTube has both its merits and its drawbacks. In line with the wonders of the internet, anyone can post anything they want! This is obviously two sided...

anyway, kids on youtube are claiming you can see Nibiru or our sister star or w/e if you take pictures of the sun. SOME are mildly convincing.. But then I had a thought... Venus. Venus is near the sun this time of year. Fucking Venus.

Anyway, I took some pictures for myself this morning.. turned up nothing but the sun. Maybe a UFO but that very well could have been a speck of dirt on my windsheild (I was driving. Taking pictures of the sun while driving! Yes!)

So I guess I'll just do that till the sensor in my camera is fried. lol. Anyway, I won't post ANY pictures unless It is beyond a reasonable doubt that I have two suns or a UFO.

BUT here's the thing.. Previous Nibiru vids said we'd be able to see it in the southern hemisphere in 2009. And now.. January 1st all of the sudden people are like "OMG NIBIRU THE PROPHESY IS TRUUUUUU" Well if you knew anything about astronomy you'd realise it's probably Venus. Seriously "Mystery planet"? Barf. (err scratch my "venus" theory. You can't see it in the morning for another month or so-ish. But they'll be filming it when they can!)