Wednesday, October 22, 2008


i wish my torrents would download, because spore is sitting next to me, begging to be played. ararararasdfgdhdfhdjas.hjl.

i seem to be more out of it since i stopped smoking. I forgot two people's change at work last night. that never happens. oh well.

carter bro's hayride will occur friday night! yay!

In other, much more important news, people across america have stopped taking some of their prescription drugs on tighter budgets. Like for their cholesterol. (Next month's news: Increase of heart attacks across america.)
Eh it's okay. High cholesterol is a byproduct of fast food. I wonder if sales of Cheerios has gone up?

Through this whole economic thing, I kinda feel bad, because i spent $100 on clothes at target the other day. But it was alot of clothes, that I needed, I swear.

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