Friday, September 12, 2008

hollow earth? nah...

so, for a little while, i kinda believed in the whole "hollow earth" thing, where theres no subduction of tectonic plates, and earth is continually expanding. i could see that.

but this guy... idk, he says hes got witnesses like scientists and pilots. but ive got a problem with the "north pole opening" because um. hey, thats an ocean?? (<< i made this statement before i watched the whole thing, and they explain that its because of the shell's gravity that the ocean doesnt just run down like a drain)
whatever. video is about 90m total (jesus fuck).

BUTTT.. if it is true, it provides a (decent in my opinion) explanation of UFOs and aliens (which are androids). thats why aliens have no organs (particularly sexual organs) no vocal chords (they apparently use telepathy) and those creepy black eyes.

some interesting points:
-theres no war, and theyre more technologically advanced
-and theyre super tall (perhaps because the inner sun's gravity pulls them up?)
-this furthers my theory that our sister star is whats causing global warming, because it could be drawing the inner sun towards the south pole.
-half of this guys references are like "i talked to so and so who said they talked to someone and asked them about the hole in the pole, and they said yeah."
-towards the end where he talks about day/night inside, it sounds a little hokey.

realllly long. youre gonna hate it if youre skeptical.

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