Monday, March 31, 2008

the internet is loud.

the last 4 or 5 generations of people have been raised by screens. We are all encultured to take what we see on TV as reality (excluding explicitly fictional content). We are strongly shaped by the messages we receive from these light-up boxes. It puts our children (and parents!) into a trance, and tells them what choices to make, how to view the world.

and such a thing as the internet emerged. a network to share information. at first it was slow, but as the technology was refined and more people logged on, things gradually improved. The internet grows by becoming more efficient, more streamlined. it evolves.

and it gives everyone a voice. not only can you passively sit back and experience the internet, you can make it happen. create a website or a blog. take photographs and show them to the world. find a mate. become someone else.
you see someone wouldnt walk into a room in real life and announce: "im female and fourteen years old, does anyone want to have sex with me?"

but you would online.
such is the freedom of anonymity.
everyone has a voice.

and the noise is so loud.

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