Friday, August 15, 2008

global warming? or general human fuck-uppery?

I ran across this article in the NY Times, about how due to effects of commercial fishing, chemical runoff, etc. large nitrogen-rich "dead zones" have been popping up in oceans around the world. these kill off large populations of marine life, and often appear in spots that are historically prime fishing areas.

This goes back to the sister star theory.. I believe that this along with industrialization are the cause of "global warming," which at this point i doubt we can do much about.

i really hate humans as a species. it was our evolutionary advantage to use tools, to invent new things, new ways to survive. and thus we live today, not explicitly through "survival of the fittest" as all other animals do, but by technological sustainment. fuck industrialization. but what can we do? although they have a lesser impact on the environment, countries/cultures that are not as developed have higher poverty, are more susceptible to natural disaster (although developed nations incur a greater financial loss) and often suffer from starvation.
so since they dont destroy the environments, we take it upon ourselves to do so.

whatever happens in 2012, and beyond, i hope we adapt biologically. EVOLVE.. or hey, even better, like the ron paul campaign (though im not a supporter) [EVOL]VE. because even today, evolution happens.

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