Monday, October 13, 2008

real life

- getting a new job in Nov hopefully
- voting for Obama in Nov definitely
- unless a third party candidate is sexier than Sarah Palin. (Rosa Clementine is the best we've got? C'mon people, sex sells!)
- all my extra money is going to pay for one final/"official" semester of LLCC.
- I invested too early into the crisis. Shoulda done it now that im down another $1k.
- We blow each other off way too much. I miss my bff.
- And I blow off school work waaaayy too much. When the hell is my term paper due..?
- I hate midterms. More than finals usually.
- Becuase "midterms" is papers and projects. "Finals" are tests and maybe one project, but it's no sweat cause I don't study.
- Bacon.
- Which reminds me, I'm hungry and LLCC is gay because it doesn't respect Columbus.
- need more new music. budget: 0$. myspace is acceptable.
- 8GB iPod was ok then, but the internet prevails.
- I really need to get a life

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol, well if you can find worse music then 5 min of shit acoustic with "praise him" as loud as it can be said. then go wild. but when the first two songs i heard in the morning after a half hour of peace n quiet were hinder and good Charlotte then i have a problem with people and there not music-music. i made a 500 song playlist of acceptable store music, but i dont think they want to hear ambient music, and no one at my store likes radiohead :P. shit sucks, but atleast lnt will be dead soon.