Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sarah palin <3s gay couples.

we should just watch SNL for all our election news.

Both Biden and Palin say gays should have equal rights as married couples- hospital visits, signing contracts jointly, etc. And as they discussed this topic, they both went on to say that they still wouldn't recognise gay marriage in a legal sense. Now that just doesn't make sense to me. They're saying unmarried gay couples should get the same rights as married hetero couples do. What about unmarried straight couples? Do we get hospital visits, " joint ownership of property, life insurance policies, et cetera" (from Biden's quote. Sarah's less detailed on the rights she would give them.), just because we are a "couple"?

I really don't mean to turn around the gay rights issue like this, but laws must be VERY careful how they word things.


Anonymous said...

essentially in the eyes of the law that couple would be legaly recognized. what there saying is there not going to make the church marry people becaue uncle sam is down with the rainbow. marrage is a holy union, not just a federal one. IMHFO. its me again though. im anon because blogger doesnt respect pda phones

Stef Ferguson said...

The thing is, they would have to define their status. Cohabitants? Couple? Civil union?

The line gets fuzzy when straight people want to use the same criteria to get those benefits. You could put them on your employer's insurance! This isn't about marriage in this particular case, it's about where they draw the line.

Anonymous said...

i genrally assume thats what theywould do. its like a marrage, fill out the forms, get em approved, celebrate how you want. a couple doesnt meen boyfriends, it means two commited people. and besides, its going to be a bunch of forms and check ups i bet. but yeah, alot of forms and then your an officially licenced gay person. welcome to the federal gay watch list, hve fun getting credit applications denied!