you can fool all of the people some of the time...
But to fool most of the people all of the time, you need a two-party political system.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
States’ Funds for Jobless Are Drying Up: Seek Government Help
B-buh? Give money to create jobs, instead of bailing out CEOs? We never even though of that.
bush administration,
employment rate,
main street,
wall street,
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The solution to repeat offenders
In my previous entry I mentioned that we have a 60% repeat offender rate here in the good ole U.S. of A. Here are some solutions:
On a completely unrelated topic, tonight is a peak viewing period for the meteor shower. I forget the name of this one, but apparently this one is known for some spectacular fireballs. The only problem this year is that we've got a full moon, so the peak is between sunset and moonrise, about 1.5 hours.
I came home yesterday to find an envelope from Norweigan Cruise Lines on the counter. The conversation went something like this:
Me: What? You guys are going on a cruise? When were you gonna tell me?
Mom: I dunno.
Me: You'd tell me like a week before. "Hey, we're going on a cruise. Can you take care of Daisy?" Man, you never take me anywhere cool.
Mom: What you wanna go on a cruise? I didn't think you would.
Me: Its a CRUISE! (looks at the brochure) To MEXICO!
Mom: Yeah, but you don't like family vacations.
Me: Our vacations are like, the Dells, or Memphis. Not a cruise to mexico!
Mom: Well, do you want me to look into it?
Me: Yeah.. could you?
Mom: Yeah. You'll probably have to share a room with Doug.
Me: .. Hm. When is it?
Mom: February, for ten days. Actually, you could probably take Wes.
Me: Wow, ten days. I've got five classes. I don't know if I wanna miss that much. Hey when is that insurance thing due? I get like five or ten days to drop classes for a full refund! heh, kidding.
Mom: What?
Me: For insurance.. Enrollment. I could fill out the form and drop the classes.
Mom: What? You're dropping your classes??
Me: No, I said I was kidding.
Mom: Well do you want me to check into it for you or no?
Me: (looks at brochure again) Yeah, would you please?
Wooooooo cruise to Mexico! Possibly! Mayan ruins OMG!!!
- Rehabilitation! Wouldn't that be super if we could have a system where we could successfully rehabilitate criminals to be productive members of society? If we could have a less than 10% repeat offender rate? Sure you don't want prison time to look too much like a free ride...
- Lifetime sentences. Never let them out. Sure that'd be costly, but maybe we can combine #1 and #2 so we can be sure the ones we do let go would behave themselves.
- Capital punishment for all felonies. Obviously you shouldn't be put to death for say, running a red light (or should you?) but for sure at least cases where there is irrefutable evidence the suspect killed one or more people intentionally. I would say there has to be intent (other than drunk driving. Other countries punish DUIs with death, and we should too.). This whole less than life for murder thing is ridiculous.
On a completely unrelated topic, tonight is a peak viewing period for the meteor shower. I forget the name of this one, but apparently this one is known for some spectacular fireballs. The only problem this year is that we've got a full moon, so the peak is between sunset and moonrise, about 1.5 hours.
I came home yesterday to find an envelope from Norweigan Cruise Lines on the counter. The conversation went something like this:
Me: What? You guys are going on a cruise? When were you gonna tell me?
Mom: I dunno.
Me: You'd tell me like a week before. "Hey, we're going on a cruise. Can you take care of Daisy?" Man, you never take me anywhere cool.
Mom: What you wanna go on a cruise? I didn't think you would.
Me: Its a CRUISE! (looks at the brochure) To MEXICO!
Mom: Yeah, but you don't like family vacations.
Me: Our vacations are like, the Dells, or Memphis. Not a cruise to mexico!
Mom: Well, do you want me to look into it?
Me: Yeah.. could you?
Mom: Yeah. You'll probably have to share a room with Doug.
Me: .. Hm. When is it?
Mom: February, for ten days. Actually, you could probably take Wes.
Me: Wow, ten days. I've got five classes. I don't know if I wanna miss that much. Hey when is that insurance thing due? I get like five or ten days to drop classes for a full refund! heh, kidding.
Mom: What?
Me: For insurance.. Enrollment. I could fill out the form and drop the classes.
Mom: What? You're dropping your classes??
Me: No, I said I was kidding.
Mom: Well do you want me to check into it for you or no?
Me: (looks at brochure again) Yeah, would you please?
Wooooooo cruise to Mexico! Possibly! Mayan ruins OMG!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Bush? Bush who?
As Obama prepares to take office, Bush may as well be on vacation. The spotlight is almost COMPLETELY off him, and it's all about what BHO's planning on doing.
But whatever, life's more about drugs and alcohol and conspicuous consumption than the health and welfare of the middle and lower classes, not to mention that of our economy. Oh and about locking up dangerous criminals and treating them like shit. Don't we have like an 60% repeat offender rate?
Oh, and I think I have Asperger Syndrome. Wheee! Thats like saying I'm more socially adept than an Autistic kid, but less mathematically inclined. What really tipped me off was the part about speech patterns:
But whatever, life's more about drugs and alcohol and conspicuous consumption than the health and welfare of the middle and lower classes, not to mention that of our economy. Oh and about locking up dangerous criminals and treating them like shit. Don't we have like an 60% repeat offender rate?
Oh, and I think I have Asperger Syndrome. Wheee! Thats like saying I'm more socially adept than an Autistic kid, but less mathematically inclined. What really tipped me off was the part about speech patterns:
Although individuals with Asperger syndrome acquire language skills without significant general delay and their speech typically lacks significant abnormalities, language acquisition and use is often atypical. Abnormalities include verbosity, abrupt transitions, literal interpretations and miscomprehension of nuance, use of metaphor meaningful only to the speaker, auditory perception deficits, unusually pedantic, formal or idiosyncratic speech, and oddities in loudness, pitch, intonation, prosody, and rhythm.This along with social troubles, and an extensive but narrow range of interests (ie. Space, Politics (with a limited understanding of motives), deep focus on 1 or 2 video games at a time) lead me to belive that it's not ADD I have, but AS. Awesome.
Three aspects of communication patterns are of clinical interest: poor prosody, tangential and circumstantial speech, and marked verbosity. Although inflection and intonation may be less rigid or monotonic than in autism, people with AS often have a limited range of intonation: speech may be unusually fast, jerky or loud. Speech may convey a sense of incoherence; the conversational style often includes monologues about topics that bore the listener, fails to provide context for comments, or fails to suppress internal thoughts.
Children with AS may have an unusually sophisticated vocabulary at a young age and have been colloquially called "little professors", but have difficulty understanding figurative language and tend to use language literally. Children with AS appear to have particular weaknesses in areas of nonliteral language that include humor, irony, and teasing. Although individuals with AS usually understand the cognitive basis of humor they seem to lack understanding of the intent of humor to share enjoyment with others. Despite strong evidence of impaired humor appreciation, there are anecdotal reports of humor in individuals with AS, which challenge theories of humor in AS.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I hate america. "Ooooh, the economy's getting worse! Pull our stocks out of the market! AAHHHH!" fucking idiots. raarararararraraarraararar.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Take THAT creationists!
One premise of creationism is that life is simply too complex to have just happened- there must be some intelligent designer behind it all. However, the miracle of evolution is known to produce vestigial limbs- body parts that are now useless but still hang around. Meet flightless birds, wales with hind legs, and humans- with our tailbones, appendices, and useless body hair.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A select few people know, since freshman year, that I do not believe in DNA. That is, I didn't believe the current theory on genes was correct, primarily because of "junk DNA." This was not a christian thing. Evolution would not allow for "junk DNA." This is merely me deciding, that given science's record for being wrong at first, that we were missing something.
AND SO. Now. They are rethinking the way genes work.
And honestly, genetics reinforce the idea that everything came from the same place, and is essentially the same thing. All life on this planet have DNA that tells their cells how to grow. The same string of DNA makes all the different type of cells. Is DNA just some kind of programming language, as binary is?
AND SO. Now. They are rethinking the way genes work.
And honestly, genetics reinforce the idea that everything came from the same place, and is essentially the same thing. All life on this planet have DNA that tells their cells how to grow. The same string of DNA makes all the different type of cells. Is DNA just some kind of programming language, as binary is?
Friday, November 14, 2008
oh snap
on wikipedia today, i read that jsut recently we discovered that a star in Pegasus has at least 3 planets orbiting it!
Monday, November 10, 2008
As below, so above...
I think we can learn alot about the universe by studying our own solar system. Everything came from the same clump of junk in the very beginning, right? So everything is esentially made of the same stuff, at the very least at the atomic level. We're a somewhat average sized planet orbiting an average sized sun. We possibly have a sister star, which we have seen examples of through our telescopes. We have comets and meteors in our solar system that sometimes collide with the planets. At least one of our 8.5 planets currently harbors life. We think it could be possible for a moon to harbor life as well. In addition to the main planets, we have at least 3 "dwarf planets."
We can see other stars with planets around them, (relatively) not too far from our own solar system. But really, we can only see the large gaseous planets, because those reflect more light, and are generally easier to detect.
Pluto, formerly the smallest planet in our solar system, now merely a Dwarf planet, has a moon larger than itself. Some scientists want to call it a binary planet, since neither object lies in the center of its orbital trajectory.
So what we have is a young to middle aged yellow star with a multitude of planets and rocks and dust orbiting it, including possibly a sister star. and this faintly glowing clump of dust has one tiiiiiny barely visible planet harboring life. And we dare think we're alone?
We can see other stars with planets around them, (relatively) not too far from our own solar system. But really, we can only see the large gaseous planets, because those reflect more light, and are generally easier to detect.
Pluto, formerly the smallest planet in our solar system, now merely a Dwarf planet, has a moon larger than itself. Some scientists want to call it a binary planet, since neither object lies in the center of its orbital trajectory.
So what we have is a young to middle aged yellow star with a multitude of planets and rocks and dust orbiting it, including possibly a sister star. and this faintly glowing clump of dust has one tiiiiiny barely visible planet harboring life. And we dare think we're alone?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Paying a ticket
I got a ticket a few weeks ago, and i got the cash to pay it. then i realise the envelope says not to pay cash, but with a cashiers check or money order. I dont wanna mess with it, and i see that you can pay it online, so i try to do that. It doesn't pull up ANYTHING for my DL# nor my name, or the ticket number. So I call the number on the envelope. It rings, and rings, and rings. then finally a recording comes on, saying that agents are available 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (its 11 am right now.. where are the agents???) but it gives me a prompt to check traffic ticket info. So I do that, enter my drivers lic # and the ticket #, and it gives me an option to use the automated payment system. and it goes dead.
So i call back again. rings and rings and rings. no answer after like 5 min. try again two more times and i finally get the recording again. enter the info again, hit 3 for the automated payment, and... dead again.
SO. i must not have a ticket on file. which is all fine and dandy, except they have my license as bond and um, I'd kinda like that back.
so i tried one more time (well twice, at first it rang and rang and rang... and then stopped ringing...), and pressed 0 for an agent (oh, i get it now) and asked him why the info wasnt coming up, he said i should be able to pay by the end of next week, because no, it isn't in the system yet. SRRSLY, F BEUROCRACY.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Found this site called soundcloud for sharing music. Send me a track! sign up and i might send you one!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Next: We Mine Mars
Apparently there's opals on mars. and no life. or at least not anymore (not on the surface)
anyway, mars used to be warmer and wetter. now its cold and dry. WTFmate? My theory is that the planets were not always at the distance from the sun that they are now. maybe they were a lot closer. Earth was once really hot and wet. Then we had an ice age. Then suddenly it got warmer again. (and warmer, and warmer...) (vote green!)
so our future will either be like mars- cold, dry no atmosphere.. or like venus- hot, molten crust, thick atmosphere.
anyway, mars used to be warmer and wetter. now its cold and dry. WTFmate? My theory is that the planets were not always at the distance from the sun that they are now. maybe they were a lot closer. Earth was once really hot and wet. Then we had an ice age. Then suddenly it got warmer again. (and warmer, and warmer...) (vote green!)
so our future will either be like mars- cold, dry no atmosphere.. or like venus- hot, molten crust, thick atmosphere.
Monday, November 3, 2008
fuck. i should be writing that essay. uhhuh. not what i wanna do. i should go do some sit ups. Ive been trying to do excersise, but i cant do ONE frucking push up. not a real one anyway.
smoked friday with josh.
gotta figure out a way to make more money. spend less? chjyeah.
tomorrows election day. its intense in a way. cant wait for nov 5.
HALOWEEN IS OVERRRRR. thank god. its like a bomb hit party tree. ill need a new job by Jan. I think I'm gonna do a payment plan for school next semester. because i dont wanna be hit by tuition AND books/supplies all at once.
got "a little history of the world" yesterday, gonna start reading it. whee for edjumuhcashun.
speaking of history, John McCane is wrong in his assertion that Obama is like Hoover. One of Hoover's biggest reconstruction failures was that he gave large sums of money to banks and big companies, expecting a trickle down effect. i totally raged. FDR fixed shit by creating jobs for middle and lower classmen. Jeez, youd think McCain would remember his childhood better.
smoked friday with josh.
gotta figure out a way to make more money. spend less? chjyeah.
tomorrows election day. its intense in a way. cant wait for nov 5.
HALOWEEN IS OVERRRRR. thank god. its like a bomb hit party tree. ill need a new job by Jan. I think I'm gonna do a payment plan for school next semester. because i dont wanna be hit by tuition AND books/supplies all at once.
got "a little history of the world" yesterday, gonna start reading it. whee for edjumuhcashun.
speaking of history, John McCane is wrong in his assertion that Obama is like Hoover. One of Hoover's biggest reconstruction failures was that he gave large sums of money to banks and big companies, expecting a trickle down effect. i totally raged. FDR fixed shit by creating jobs for middle and lower classmen. Jeez, youd think McCain would remember his childhood better.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I'm notorious for procrastination. I read a psych article about it, and the reason why most people procrastinate is because whatever they're putting off gives no immediate reward. Often it involves something they don't really want to do, like work.
I often skip class if I "don't feel like going." sometimes, something important is going on so i force myself to go. Today, I drove to LLCC for my drawing class. As I'm in the parking lot, I'm watching this girl carry a portfolio in the rain, and i think "Shit! I don't have anything to carry my drawing pad in!" So I turn around and go home. Eh, wasted a little gas, but I saved my artwork.
speaking of wasting gas, and wasting time, I got caught for speeding again last night, going into chatham. I'd just gotten a ticket friday going 84 on the highway. Fortunately this cop just gave me a written warning, but if I get another within a year, my license is suspended. poop. Anyway, wes was showing me how i really only save like 14s doing 85 instead of 65.. and like 6s doing 54 in a 40 like i was last night. poop again. i was arguing that the 14 s could make the difference whether I get stuck at a light or not.
anyway, i gotta slow down. I owe the state $75 now, and it was almost $90 had it been 1mph more. I wish that was tax deductible...
aaaaand, one more on the note of gas prices (other than that theyre down!) is that i think by drinking instead of smoking, im saving a lot of $$. I already saved 20-30$ last week by not re stocking. and since you cant drink and drive, that saves gas by not cruizing. and I'm not the one who buys it :P lol, well i dont pay for all of it at least. In fact, we havent bought any since the summer. We almost did over the weekend, we were walking to the checkout with some peach vodka or somethin and wes is like "I dont have my wallet..." but we had plenty in the freezer, I just wanted somethin different. He couldnt find it when we got back to his house either. He asked his mom the next day, and apparently it was behind the microwave?? wat.?
I often skip class if I "don't feel like going." sometimes, something important is going on so i force myself to go. Today, I drove to LLCC for my drawing class. As I'm in the parking lot, I'm watching this girl carry a portfolio in the rain, and i think "Shit! I don't have anything to carry my drawing pad in!" So I turn around and go home. Eh, wasted a little gas, but I saved my artwork.
speaking of wasting gas, and wasting time, I got caught for speeding again last night, going into chatham. I'd just gotten a ticket friday going 84 on the highway. Fortunately this cop just gave me a written warning, but if I get another within a year, my license is suspended. poop. Anyway, wes was showing me how i really only save like 14s doing 85 instead of 65.. and like 6s doing 54 in a 40 like i was last night. poop again. i was arguing that the 14 s could make the difference whether I get stuck at a light or not.
anyway, i gotta slow down. I owe the state $75 now, and it was almost $90 had it been 1mph more. I wish that was tax deductible...
aaaaand, one more on the note of gas prices (other than that theyre down!) is that i think by drinking instead of smoking, im saving a lot of $$. I already saved 20-30$ last week by not re stocking. and since you cant drink and drive, that saves gas by not cruizing. and I'm not the one who buys it :P lol, well i dont pay for all of it at least. In fact, we havent bought any since the summer. We almost did over the weekend, we were walking to the checkout with some peach vodka or somethin and wes is like "I dont have my wallet..." but we had plenty in the freezer, I just wanted somethin different. He couldnt find it when we got back to his house either. He asked his mom the next day, and apparently it was behind the microwave?? wat.?
i love this old guy
the fringe may be my new favorite show. its kinda like x files meets house.
heres a clip:
heres a clip:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
i wish my torrents would download, because spore is sitting next to me, begging to be played. ararararasdfgdhdfhdjas.hjl.
i seem to be more out of it since i stopped smoking. I forgot two people's change at work last night. that never happens. oh well.
carter bro's hayride will occur friday night! yay!
In other, much more important news, people across america have stopped taking some of their prescription drugs on tighter budgets. Like for their cholesterol. (Next month's news: Increase of heart attacks across america.)
Eh it's okay. High cholesterol is a byproduct of fast food. I wonder if sales of Cheerios has gone up?
Through this whole economic thing, I kinda feel bad, because i spent $100 on clothes at target the other day. But it was alot of clothes, that I needed, I swear.
i seem to be more out of it since i stopped smoking. I forgot two people's change at work last night. that never happens. oh well.
carter bro's hayride will occur friday night! yay!
In other, much more important news, people across america have stopped taking some of their prescription drugs on tighter budgets. Like for their cholesterol. (Next month's news: Increase of heart attacks across america.)
Eh it's okay. High cholesterol is a byproduct of fast food. I wonder if sales of Cheerios has gone up?
Through this whole economic thing, I kinda feel bad, because i spent $100 on clothes at target the other day. But it was alot of clothes, that I needed, I swear.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
day #2
of not smoking for me. I went 3 days before the other night. pot btw. still havent touched cigs since i was 17 ^_^
entirely job related. I'd like to actually be able to apply places.
in other news, idk if i should re sell my copy of spore. un opened. i put up a listing on facebook and then took it down a minute later, because i remembered I had torrents for it. there is one thats 100% seeded, but its got over a day left. hopefully the speed picks up tonight during prime time. and then I dont know if it will even work.
but if youre interested, im selling it for $45 dollars. $43 if you find me a working download of it for mac (but then if you can get me that, you probably dont need to buy it XD )
entirely job related. I'd like to actually be able to apply places.
in other news, idk if i should re sell my copy of spore. un opened. i put up a listing on facebook and then took it down a minute later, because i remembered I had torrents for it. there is one thats 100% seeded, but its got over a day left. hopefully the speed picks up tonight during prime time. and then I dont know if it will even work.
but if youre interested, im selling it for $45 dollars. $43 if you find me a working download of it for mac (but then if you can get me that, you probably dont need to buy it XD )
Monday, October 20, 2008
tech support for the non-technical (aka mac users)
so, my internet connection randomly went out. here's the steps i took (fairly typical):
1. check google connection
2. unplug, replug router
3. click airport icon to refresh connection
4. repeat 2 & 3 x three
5. drink
6. restart computer
7. rejoice because it's a mac problem and it's now solved!
1. check google connection
2. unplug, replug router
3. click airport icon to refresh connection
4. repeat 2 & 3 x three
5. drink
6. restart computer
7. rejoice because it's a mac problem and it's now solved!
more 2012 super happy fun times news!
This one's about the oort cloud. soundtrack's not too bad, i suppose. That's what's important in youtube vids, right?
anyway. apparently meteorites have been falling more frequently to earth. Wes and I saw a decent sized falling star over Glenarm a week or two ago (after a very disappointing Perseids "shower" in aug)
but oh, i got a KICK out of this frame:

and it gets really jesus-y from there and condemns metal, video games(wow, gta, everquest), wrestling, magic (harry potter, david blaine, MTG etc)
anyway, if you want some consolation, heres a 12 year old british kid assuring you the world wont end in 2012:
if you dont believe him, heres some google earth BS to look at, while listening to some groovy elevator music:
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
income tax reform
here you can take a survey of sorts on whether income tax should be reformed/abolished (results are 80% yes, 20% no). It only counts your last vote after you've read through all the arguments. each time you choose "yes" or "no" it presents you with an opposing argument. I strongly encourage you to read both sides on each page (but oh, gee, that's quite a bit of reading and history and blah blah...) in order to get the broadest perspective on the issue.
As a big saver, the interest I earn gets taxed. Boooooo. Pluuus, you get some of your paycheck withheld, and then, come April they usually want you to cough up more money. And where the hell does this money go, eh? We don't get a say in the federal budget. ("Billy, I know Joey bullies you at recess, but I won't let you buy brass knuckles with your allowance.")
The basis for the reform is to completely eliminate individual income tax, and impose a higher sales tax. The site quotes 20% on one of their pages. I would assume necessities (like food, diapers, medicine) would have a lower tax than luxuries and sins (ie. cigs, alcohol, gambling gains).
One of the last arguments against reform is that there would be a mass increase in spending before the switch and then noone would buy anything... Well then they oughta be saving every extra penny they're earning without the withholding. Seriously, people need to buy things.
Honestly, I know there's no law that requires you to file your tax return.. But I file because i get money back "/ lol. Illinois usually takes some of my money (the three years I've filed it's been $4.. $8.. $16) but I get a few hundred from the Guvment. This past year, my parents gave me $500 for giving them my tuition info (that I paid, not them.)
As a big saver, the interest I earn gets taxed. Boooooo. Pluuus, you get some of your paycheck withheld, and then, come April they usually want you to cough up more money. And where the hell does this money go, eh? We don't get a say in the federal budget. ("Billy, I know Joey bullies you at recess, but I won't let you buy brass knuckles with your allowance.")
The basis for the reform is to completely eliminate individual income tax, and impose a higher sales tax. The site quotes 20% on one of their pages. I would assume necessities (like food, diapers, medicine) would have a lower tax than luxuries and sins (ie. cigs, alcohol, gambling gains).
One of the last arguments against reform is that there would be a mass increase in spending before the switch and then noone would buy anything... Well then they oughta be saving every extra penny they're earning without the withholding. Seriously, people need to buy things.
Honestly, I know there's no law that requires you to file your tax return.. But I file because i get money back "/ lol. Illinois usually takes some of my money (the three years I've filed it's been $4.. $8.. $16) but I get a few hundred from the Guvment. This past year, my parents gave me $500 for giving them my tuition info (that I paid, not them.)
Friday, October 17, 2008
A man got into the carriage and began to play on a fiddle made apparently of an old blacking-box, and though I am quite unmusical the sounds filled me with the strangest emotions. I seemed to hear a voice of lamentation out of the Golden Age. It told me that we are imperfect, incomplete, and no more like a beautiful woven web, but like a bundle of cords knotted together and flung into a corner.... It said that with us the beautiful are not clever and the clever are not beautiful, and that the best of our moments are marred by a little vulgarity, or by a needle-prick out of sad recollection, and that the fiddle must ever lament about it all. It said that if only they who live in the Golden Age could die we might be happy, for the sad voices would be still; but they must sing and we must weep until the eternal gates swing open.
— W. B. Yeats, "The Golden Age"
What it means to be human
Humans are basically sacks of meat. (we think)We are the most advanced species on the planet... With our communication skills, and fancy cars, and money... opposable thumbs.. we have mastered nature. We are the ONLY materialistic creature. One could argue we are the ONLY creature that is unable to survive without the infrastructure we have built. Medical advances are making the species genetically weaker, because it's no longer "survival of the fittest" but "survival of those with adequate health care."
I mean yes, humanity has made some great achievements in setting itself apart from plants and animals.. and yet it has also proved itself the most needlessly destructive force on the planet.
Sometimes i think, "what to animals DO all day?" they hunt for food. the sleep. they fuck. in the case of deer they watch cars drive by. I also wonder how they view us, whether they see the structures we build as associated with us. I would rather be some kind of animal. I would rather detatch myself from money, from housing, medical, social, political crises. (but oh, how I'd miss art and music)
As an artist, I am continually torn between pursuing graphic design (a field with little feeling) and traditional art (a field with little money). I like the feeling of moving the medium around, watching the image grow and develop. Graphic design offers little room for self expression.
I wish someone would bomb someone. I dont care who. Because of mutually assured destruction, all hell is guaranteed to break loose.
I mean yes, humanity has made some great achievements in setting itself apart from plants and animals.. and yet it has also proved itself the most needlessly destructive force on the planet.
Sometimes i think, "what to animals DO all day?" they hunt for food. the sleep. they fuck. in the case of deer they watch cars drive by. I also wonder how they view us, whether they see the structures we build as associated with us. I would rather be some kind of animal. I would rather detatch myself from money, from housing, medical, social, political crises. (but oh, how I'd miss art and music)
As an artist, I am continually torn between pursuing graphic design (a field with little feeling) and traditional art (a field with little money). I like the feeling of moving the medium around, watching the image grow and develop. Graphic design offers little room for self expression.
I wish someone would bomb someone. I dont care who. Because of mutually assured destruction, all hell is guaranteed to break loose.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
So the gay guy is upset
..Because grant told him he couldnt dress up as a business woman for halloween at the store.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Danger Dogs!

If this is what I got for $250 + shipping from Nepal, I'd throw a fit!
(.. and dont forget Danger Cock!)
real life
- getting a new job in Nov hopefully
- voting for Obama in Nov definitely
- unless a third party candidate is sexier than Sarah Palin. (Rosa Clementine is the best we've got? C'mon people, sex sells!)
- all my extra money is going to pay for one final/"official" semester of LLCC.
- I invested too early into the crisis. Shoulda done it now that im down another $1k.
- We blow each other off way too much. I miss my bff.
- And I blow off school work waaaayy too much. When the hell is my term paper due..?
- I hate midterms. More than finals usually.
- Becuase "midterms" is papers and projects. "Finals" are tests and maybe one project, but it's no sweat cause I don't study.
- Bacon.
- Which reminds me, I'm hungry and LLCC is gay because it doesn't respect Columbus.
- need more new music. budget: 0$. myspace is acceptable.
- 8GB iPod was ok then, but the internet prevails.
- I really need to get a life
- voting for Obama in Nov definitely
- unless a third party candidate is sexier than Sarah Palin. (Rosa Clementine is the best we've got? C'mon people, sex sells!)
- all my extra money is going to pay for one final/"official" semester of LLCC.
- I invested too early into the crisis. Shoulda done it now that im down another $1k.
- We blow each other off way too much. I miss my bff.
- And I blow off school work waaaayy too much. When the hell is my term paper due..?
- I hate midterms. More than finals usually.
- Becuase "midterms" is papers and projects. "Finals" are tests and maybe one project, but it's no sweat cause I don't study.
- Bacon.
- Which reminds me, I'm hungry and LLCC is gay because it doesn't respect Columbus.
- need more new music. budget: 0$. myspace is acceptable.
- 8GB iPod was ok then, but the internet prevails.
- I really need to get a life
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I had another...
dream about dinosaurs. I seriously think that this is the most reoccurring dream I have. In fact, in this one, I had a flashback to a different dino dream. WTF?
So, I'm at wes's house, and we just got up and are leaving, we drive to wildlife, and there's raptors everywhere. And we have to turn around in a flock of them, so I tell him to go real slow (this is where I have a flashback of a raptor ripping off the top of the jeep I'm in).
This is also where the dream looses linearity(?). I'm suddenly with two girls, and were standing on the road with the raptors. A giant allosaurus thing walks in front of us and chases them away, I dive into the forest to hide, but its in the woods with me. So I hide behind a really skinny tree (it's all I've got!) till it walks by and then I'm back out of the forest.
And I'm in wes's car again, and as we drive away, I see two lions walking, followed by a guy chasing after them some ways back. I decide that the raptors and lions are there because of global warming. THEN I got on my cell to txt "Wildlife got LIONS" to facebook and twitter.
That's when I realized I'm an idiot.
So, I'm at wes's house, and we just got up and are leaving, we drive to wildlife, and there's raptors everywhere. And we have to turn around in a flock of them, so I tell him to go real slow (this is where I have a flashback of a raptor ripping off the top of the jeep I'm in).
This is also where the dream looses linearity(?). I'm suddenly with two girls, and were standing on the road with the raptors. A giant allosaurus thing walks in front of us and chases them away, I dive into the forest to hide, but its in the woods with me. So I hide behind a really skinny tree (it's all I've got!) till it walks by and then I'm back out of the forest.
And I'm in wes's car again, and as we drive away, I see two lions walking, followed by a guy chasing after them some ways back. I decide that the raptors and lions are there because of global warming. THEN I got on my cell to txt "Wildlife got LIONS" to facebook and twitter.
That's when I realized I'm an idiot.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
mav·er·ick (m
k, m

1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.
2. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.
Being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence: maverick politicians; a maverick decision.
So McCain's gonna do everything he can to go against the popular opinions. GOOD CAUSE PEOPLE ARE STUPID ANYWAY.
So McCain's gonna do everything he can to go against the popular opinions. GOOD CAUSE PEOPLE ARE STUPID ANYWAY.
Sarah palin <3s gay couples.
we should just watch SNL for all our election news.
Both Biden and Palin say gays should have equal rights as married couples- hospital visits, signing contracts jointly, etc. And as they discussed this topic, they both went on to say that they still wouldn't recognise gay marriage in a legal sense. Now that just doesn't make sense to me. They're saying unmarried gay couples should get the same rights as married hetero couples do. What about unmarried straight couples? Do we get hospital visits, " joint ownership of property, life insurance policies, et cetera" (from Biden's quote. Sarah's less detailed on the rights she would give them.), just because we are a "couple"?
I really don't mean to turn around the gay rights issue like this, but laws must be VERY careful how they word things.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Apple's done it again...
This time, they've innovated a new way to manufacture MacBooks- and end their reliance on outsourcing the process. Apparently they're using water jets to carve the casing out of a block of aluminum.
AAAAAND.. they're gonna stick some Nvidia in there as well possibly, to step up their game in the gaming sector. YAY! I knew it was good to wait on that iMac (but its soooooo sexxy!)
AAAAAND.. they're gonna stick some Nvidia in there as well possibly, to step up their game in the gaming sector. YAY! I knew it was good to wait on that iMac (but its soooooo sexxy!)
Friday, October 3, 2008
The scale of our universe vs. the scale of the bailout
There are 100 billion stars in our galaxy. There are 7x that many dollars in the bailout.
To get a sense of how small we are, watch this movie, narrated by Morgan (haha almost wrote Gordon) Freeman.
To get a sense of how small we are, watch this movie, narrated by Morgan (haha almost wrote Gordon) Freeman.
What the candidates should do for the economy...
... is donate their remaining campaign money to the economic bailout plan. C'mon, that's our money anyway. Obama's already spent much less than he's pulled in (however McCain is nearly breaking even... what does that say about their financial savvy?) so it makes since that whatever's left over should go to a good cause. Our best interests are in our own people.
did you catch the VP debates?
Last night, Joe Biden and Sarah Palin went head to head. They talked about energy, the war in Iraq, Sarah's mantra of "drill baby drill" (and how we wouldnt see any of the oil for another 10 years), their kids (Joe -almost- shed a tear!), the economic crisis, what they would do as prez if "the unthinkable happened" (oh, we've all thought about that), and a little bit about gay marrige (which sarah agreed with joe COMPLETELY on.)
one thing to note: she DID screw up!
"During the debate Sarah Palin made the point of talking about a potential surge strategy in Afghanistan and mentioned the commanding general in Afghanistan as being "General McClellan." Pundits criticized Biden's omission of the General's name until it was discovered the General's name is in fact McKiernan." (wikipedia)
one thing to note: she DID screw up!
"During the debate Sarah Palin made the point of talking about a potential surge strategy in Afghanistan and mentioned the commanding general in Afghanistan as being "General McClellan." Pundits criticized Biden's omission of the General's name until it was discovered the General's name is in fact McKiernan." (wikipedia)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Nintendo unveil's updated DSi
This is surely the biggest news of the past few months (har har.)
The new DS features TWO 0.3 MP cameras (woohoo!?) larger screens, a slimmer design, a built in browser and MP3 capabilities.
However they scrapped GBA cartridge support.
I was tempted to trade in my 1st gen DS for a DSi when I read this, but I think I'll wait till they release the next one.
The new DS features TWO 0.3 MP cameras (woohoo!?) larger screens, a slimmer design, a built in browser and MP3 capabilities.
However they scrapped GBA cartridge support.
I was tempted to trade in my 1st gen DS for a DSi when I read this, but I think I'll wait till they release the next one.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
John McCain is one of the "Keating Five"
John McCain has already contributed to a recession a couple decades ago. He accepted bribes to keep authorities off the back of a corrupt banker, which cost taxpayers $124.6 billion. This was also one of the factors leading to his foxy second wife's addiction to painkillers.
Obama however, is an honest family man who loves and respects his wife.
Obama however, is an honest family man who loves and respects his wife.

Sunday, September 28, 2008
McCain's battle with face cancer
So, the republican presidential candidate has cancer (read into the comments for that part. I'm gonna see if i cant find more on that. srrsly, brain tumor?). Thanks for letting us know that McCain. Seriously, he is literally a heartbeat (or a failed operation, or some chemotherapy... hell, a heart attack..!) away from giving the presidency to Palin. I sure as hell don't want that. I'd take Hillary over Sarah.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
the evils in our world
- bush
- interest
- global warming
- sarah palin
- starbucks
- gas prices
- weed droughts
- vista
- black holes (but theyre probably just misunderstood.)
- working early
- working
- school work (i dont mind learning though)
- political parties
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
John McCain should do a Seinfeld ad
because he really needs to connect with the people.
barack can. He raised $66 million this month. Thats a record, no joke. all thanks to the internet.
John McCain probably still thinks the internet is a series of tubes. well, youtube (and hes not too popular there.)
i just hope the red states arent glued to fox news, which seems to act like McCain's gonna win. i think it was the only station that covered sarah palin's first return to alaska (which she put into oh, millions of dollars of debt).
McCain doesn't have the same interests as the american public. Barack will at least pretend like hes listening to what we want if hes president, because i dont doubt he'd put up an online suggestion box. True public forums anyone?
barack can. He raised $66 million this month. Thats a record, no joke. all thanks to the internet.
John McCain probably still thinks the internet is a series of tubes. well, youtube (and hes not too popular there.)
i just hope the red states arent glued to fox news, which seems to act like McCain's gonna win. i think it was the only station that covered sarah palin's first return to alaska (which she put into oh, millions of dollars of debt).
McCain doesn't have the same interests as the american public. Barack will at least pretend like hes listening to what we want if hes president, because i dont doubt he'd put up an online suggestion box. True public forums anyone?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Hurricanes, as seen from orbit - The Big Picture -

This image of Hurricane Ivan, one of the strongest hurricanes on record, was taken Saturday from an altitude of about 230 miles by Astronaut Edward M. Fincke, NASA ISS science officer and flight engineer, looking out the window of the International Space Station on Sept. 11th, 2004. (NASA) #
hot damn.
Monday, September 15, 2008
personal thoughts
this is probably my most "personal" blog in a while, but i had a few things on my mind..
-the worst thing about S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder) is that in fall, you know youll start the cycle all over again, and you get ready for 5 months of hell.
-it's so touching how they call it "SAD"
-it frightens and saddens me that im not close at all with my family, and thats why i have such terrible social skills, but i still really wanna move out (at the same time i dont, for financial reasons)
-you can order all the atomic/subatomic/antiatomic particle plushies from particle zoo (i think the dark matter's pretty cute, but shipping would be through the roof cause its so heavy!)
-i geeeettt paiiiiiid this fri!
-im starting back up netflix. and simultaneously getting the blockbuster 2-week trial (for the 3-at-a-time plan! and canceling, of course.. muahaha!)
-reading articles like this, about kids with bipolar disorder just adds another reason to the list of why i never want to have kids.
-and also makes me think about the over-diagnosing of mood disorders in children (and pill culture in general)
-the more i think about evolution, the more it seems like we cant possibly be "alone"- life is the norm, not the exception.
-the worst thing about S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder) is that in fall, you know youll start the cycle all over again, and you get ready for 5 months of hell.
-it's so touching how they call it "SAD"
-it frightens and saddens me that im not close at all with my family, and thats why i have such terrible social skills, but i still really wanna move out (at the same time i dont, for financial reasons)
-you can order all the atomic/subatomic/antiatomic particle plushies from particle zoo (i think the dark matter's pretty cute, but shipping would be through the roof cause its so heavy!)
-i geeeettt paiiiiiid this fri!
-im starting back up netflix. and simultaneously getting the blockbuster 2-week trial (for the 3-at-a-time plan! and canceling, of course.. muahaha!)
-reading articles like this, about kids with bipolar disorder just adds another reason to the list of why i never want to have kids.
-and also makes me think about the over-diagnosing of mood disorders in children (and pill culture in general)
-the more i think about evolution, the more it seems like we cant possibly be "alone"- life is the norm, not the exception.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Now's the perfect time to get into the stock market
..even apple slipped a little, when it didnt reveal a surprise after announcing the new ipods.
gas prices keep rising. the two biggest factors? preemptive hiking, and drug abuse.
another juicy tidbit about this administration: countless documents are lost because people dont hit save. i think it could just be a windows problem. or terrorists.
on a side note, the whole obama-palin experience dispute reminds me of trying to get a "retail job." everyone wants "retail experience" but how do you get that if you need it to get it?
point is: consumer confidence is down. wayyy down. my little hometown's economy relies heavily on tourism, and weve had a particularly bad year due to gas prices and "stay-cations." gas prices hit up to $5 a gallon yesterday. that's about an hour's worth of work, after taxes.. and speaking of taxes, all this talk of the burden on taxpayers, tax cuts blah blah blah. what we need is decreased spending- by the government, and by us.
ive also thought of telecommuting to europe to do design. because itll a: save gas and b: pay more because of the exchange rate.
gas prices keep rising. the two biggest factors? preemptive hiking, and drug abuse.
another juicy tidbit about this administration: countless documents are lost because people dont hit save. i think it could just be a windows problem. or terrorists.
on a side note, the whole obama-palin experience dispute reminds me of trying to get a "retail job." everyone wants "retail experience" but how do you get that if you need it to get it?
point is: consumer confidence is down. wayyy down. my little hometown's economy relies heavily on tourism, and weve had a particularly bad year due to gas prices and "stay-cations." gas prices hit up to $5 a gallon yesterday. that's about an hour's worth of work, after taxes.. and speaking of taxes, all this talk of the burden on taxpayers, tax cuts blah blah blah. what we need is decreased spending- by the government, and by us.
ive also thought of telecommuting to europe to do design. because itll a: save gas and b: pay more because of the exchange rate.
Friday, September 12, 2008
hollow earth? nah...
so, for a little while, i kinda believed in the whole "hollow earth" thing, where theres no subduction of tectonic plates, and earth is continually expanding. i could see that.
but this guy... idk, he says hes got witnesses like scientists and pilots. but ive got a problem with the "north pole opening" because um. hey, thats an ocean?? (<< i made this statement before i watched the whole thing, and they explain that its because of the shell's gravity that the ocean doesnt just run down like a drain)
whatever. video is about 90m total (jesus fuck).
BUTTT.. if it is true, it provides a (decent in my opinion) explanation of UFOs and aliens (which are androids). thats why aliens have no organs (particularly sexual organs) no vocal chords (they apparently use telepathy) and those creepy black eyes.
some interesting points:
-theres no war, and theyre more technologically advanced
-and theyre super tall (perhaps because the inner sun's gravity pulls them up?)
-this furthers my theory that our sister star is whats causing global warming, because it could be drawing the inner sun towards the south pole.
-half of this guys references are like "i talked to so and so who said they talked to someone and asked them about the hole in the pole, and they said yeah."
-towards the end where he talks about day/night inside, it sounds a little hokey.
realllly long. youre gonna hate it if youre skeptical.
but this guy... idk, he says hes got witnesses like scientists and pilots. but ive got a problem with the "north pole opening" because um. hey, thats an ocean?? (<< i made this statement before i watched the whole thing, and they explain that its because of the shell's gravity that the ocean doesnt just run down like a drain)
whatever. video is about 90m total (jesus fuck).
BUTTT.. if it is true, it provides a (decent in my opinion) explanation of UFOs and aliens (which are androids). thats why aliens have no organs (particularly sexual organs) no vocal chords (they apparently use telepathy) and those creepy black eyes.
some interesting points:
-theres no war, and theyre more technologically advanced
-and theyre super tall (perhaps because the inner sun's gravity pulls them up?)
-this furthers my theory that our sister star is whats causing global warming, because it could be drawing the inner sun towards the south pole.
-half of this guys references are like "i talked to so and so who said they talked to someone and asked them about the hole in the pole, and they said yeah."
-towards the end where he talks about day/night inside, it sounds a little hokey.
realllly long. youre gonna hate it if youre skeptical.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Capitalism leads to inflation
ok, ive never taken an econ course (believe me i want to, i just cant fit it into my schedule) but ive been reading about the whole thing with china, and it just baffles me... were so far in debt, and ive always wondered, "how did we get this far in debt? who the hell do we owe money TO even??"
other banks.
you know, usury used to be frowned upon. it used to be the jews making loans to people. rarely can they be repaid. the money isnt there in the first place, how can there be 20% more of it a few months down the road?
seriously, usury is the dirtiest form of capitalism. its just more of the "make as much money as possible" mantra.
the problem is that it seems to be an american is to be in debt.
people in africa live on a few dollars a day. seriously, i couldnt drive to work on that.
back to china. so we borrow money from them. but they have very little capital, and the invest in our Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which are losing value.
so, a la Bear Sterns, were "bailing them out" which means, WTF:
so tell me, why do taxpayers have to cover the asses of corporate fuckups?
other banks.
you know, usury used to be frowned upon. it used to be the jews making loans to people. rarely can they be repaid. the money isnt there in the first place, how can there be 20% more of it a few months down the road?
seriously, usury is the dirtiest form of capitalism. its just more of the "make as much money as possible" mantra.
the problem is that it seems to be an american is to be in debt.
people in africa live on a few dollars a day. seriously, i couldnt drive to work on that.
back to china. so we borrow money from them. but they have very little capital, and the invest in our Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which are losing value.
so, a la Bear Sterns, were "bailing them out" which means, WTF:
It is not possible to calculate the cost of any government bailout, but the huge potential liabilities of the companies could cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars
-New York Times
so tell me, why do taxpayers have to cover the asses of corporate fuckups?
the truth
McCain doesn't talk shit about Obama, so much as Obama does about him? yet another lovely surprise from election 08.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
thank you, governor Patterson.
(after likening president Bush to Pluto as a very distant object) "I think down the road historians will declassify President Bush as president because he was never really elected.”
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Google Chrome!
I seem to get excited *whenever* google or apple do anything.. soooo when i heard that google is releasing a browser, i totally creamed my pants.
theyre pretty much reinventing the browser. and making it open source. Firefox 3 has already integrated the new address bar functionality of chrome. and ohmygod they rewrote javascript.
google has big plans. including one for health care (!?)
theyre pretty much reinventing the browser. and making it open source. Firefox 3 has already integrated the new address bar functionality of chrome. and ohmygod they rewrote javascript.
google has big plans. including one for health care (!?)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The 17 year old daughter of McCain's running mate is preggo. McCain says he was unaware of this fact when he selected Palin. the kids are planning on getting married, but mccain may have just lost.
here's sarah palin's blog (unfortunately its not real, it was created when she was announced as running mate 8/30/08)
here's sarah palin's blog (unfortunately its not real, it was created when she was announced as running mate 8/30/08)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
those damn wimminz...
so McCain chose a woman as his running mate. OOOOOHHH scandalous. i think the women are still trying to take over, theyre probably gonna assassinate mccain.
but seriously, first black prez or first woman VP? seriously, McCain's just trying to win Hillary's supporters. I really hope hill comes out in support of her party.
but seriously, first black prez or first woman VP? seriously, McCain's just trying to win Hillary's supporters. I really hope hill comes out in support of her party.
Friday, August 22, 2008
so, the nation is in debt. deep debt. thats no news, really. inflations gonna REALLY kick in soon. i havent seen I.O.U.S.A. but i sure plan on it.
but what if IM not in debt? ive managed to make more money off my credit card than what i pay them (thank you mr blakeman for teaching me that) (and my credit card company probably hates me for it)
will it simply mean ill just have less than average debt in the future? or will i be able to sustain my current spending habits?
lincoln lands about breaking the bank. i put my tuition on my credit card this time. the money all comes out of checking anyway, but with it on there, i get rewards points. but i seriously only have enough saved up (in regular savings, ive got my $8k "college fund" thats going to sit indefinitely) for one more semester, if that. so that means my after graduation options are limited.
i can:
1. take a loan and go to westwood in denver for 2 years (4k for tuition, not sure on housing)
2. take just a class or two a semester at llcc for job development purposes
3. not go to school
#3 would definitely be the cheapest, but either of the second two, id be off insurance (well maybe not till the next year, when it rolls over) and regardless id probably not be living at home anymore. i know the best apartments to go to now (kensington place behind qwik n ez, and chatham crossing) so thatll be the easy part.
but what if IM not in debt? ive managed to make more money off my credit card than what i pay them (thank you mr blakeman for teaching me that) (and my credit card company probably hates me for it)
will it simply mean ill just have less than average debt in the future? or will i be able to sustain my current spending habits?
lincoln lands about breaking the bank. i put my tuition on my credit card this time. the money all comes out of checking anyway, but with it on there, i get rewards points. but i seriously only have enough saved up (in regular savings, ive got my $8k "college fund" thats going to sit indefinitely) for one more semester, if that. so that means my after graduation options are limited.
i can:
1. take a loan and go to westwood in denver for 2 years (4k for tuition, not sure on housing)
2. take just a class or two a semester at llcc for job development purposes
3. not go to school
#3 would definitely be the cheapest, but either of the second two, id be off insurance (well maybe not till the next year, when it rolls over) and regardless id probably not be living at home anymore. i know the best apartments to go to now (kensington place behind qwik n ez, and chatham crossing) so thatll be the easy part.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
something strange
occasionally when im high, and sitting down, i get a strange distant feeling between my head and my hands. like there is a larger than average space between them. it makes me feel like i am extremely long. i think its the same type of feeling you supposedly get when you do stuff like astral projection. and im really not even that high.
Monday, August 18, 2008
whos the right man for president?
Obama is similar to which following former leader:
1- Adolf Hitler
2- Benito Mussolini
3- Francisco Franco
4-Joseph Stalin
5- All of the Above
Answer: 5- All of the Above.
Dont get me wrong, im likely going to vote for obama. But he does offer quite the "message of hope" that these leaders have. I got that little question from a post on facebook, heres the rest of it:
but the real question is: what is the right way to fix our current situation?
i first started thinking about that in my com 112 class this summer. really, isnt there a right answer to this? one person could make, the other could break our economy, world affairs situation, education system etc.
everyone will say something different. yet we all feel about the same when it comes to the economy.
they say we cant administer tests to determine voting capability, but just as an experiment, id like to see how politically tuned-in each candidates voters are. perhaps a post-voting awareness poll right in the machines. I dont think id be surprised to see the results of america as a whole. after all, its really just hair politics. I personally think obamas chance of success will come down to how much of the youth vote turns out on election day. his motto "yes we can" could easily turn into a voter motivator in a climate where most think their vote doesnt count. well people, your vote cant be counted if it isnt cast.
1- Adolf Hitler
2- Benito Mussolini
3- Francisco Franco
4-Joseph Stalin
5- All of the Above
Answer: 5- All of the Above.
Dont get me wrong, im likely going to vote for obama. But he does offer quite the "message of hope" that these leaders have. I got that little question from a post on facebook, heres the rest of it:
Show me a politician who has implemented the same type of repetitive meaningless rhetoric, use of media outlets, and focus on youth that Obama has, and when you cant, think of whom he resembles most...yeah, so.. its still down to obama or mccain, we do still get to choose (so some of us like to think. I believe in the power of the people.) and what we really need to focus on is the issues. yeah, click that, i fuckin love politicalbase.
but the real question is: what is the right way to fix our current situation?
i first started thinking about that in my com 112 class this summer. really, isnt there a right answer to this? one person could make, the other could break our economy, world affairs situation, education system etc.
everyone will say something different. yet we all feel about the same when it comes to the economy.
they say we cant administer tests to determine voting capability, but just as an experiment, id like to see how politically tuned-in each candidates voters are. perhaps a post-voting awareness poll right in the machines. I dont think id be surprised to see the results of america as a whole. after all, its really just hair politics. I personally think obamas chance of success will come down to how much of the youth vote turns out on election day. his motto "yes we can" could easily turn into a voter motivator in a climate where most think their vote doesnt count. well people, your vote cant be counted if it isnt cast.
Friday, August 15, 2008
global warming? or general human fuck-uppery?
I ran across this article in the NY Times, about how due to effects of commercial fishing, chemical runoff, etc. large nitrogen-rich "dead zones" have been popping up in oceans around the world. these kill off large populations of marine life, and often appear in spots that are historically prime fishing areas.
This goes back to the sister star theory.. I believe that this along with industrialization are the cause of "global warming," which at this point i doubt we can do much about.
i really hate humans as a species. it was our evolutionary advantage to use tools, to invent new things, new ways to survive. and thus we live today, not explicitly through "survival of the fittest" as all other animals do, but by technological sustainment. fuck industrialization. but what can we do? although they have a lesser impact on the environment, countries/cultures that are not as developed have higher poverty, are more susceptible to natural disaster (although developed nations incur a greater financial loss) and often suffer from starvation.
so since they dont destroy the environments, we take it upon ourselves to do so.
whatever happens in 2012, and beyond, i hope we adapt biologically. EVOLVE.. or hey, even better, like the ron paul campaign (though im not a supporter) [EVOL]VE. because even today, evolution happens.
This goes back to the sister star theory.. I believe that this along with industrialization are the cause of "global warming," which at this point i doubt we can do much about.
i really hate humans as a species. it was our evolutionary advantage to use tools, to invent new things, new ways to survive. and thus we live today, not explicitly through "survival of the fittest" as all other animals do, but by technological sustainment. fuck industrialization. but what can we do? although they have a lesser impact on the environment, countries/cultures that are not as developed have higher poverty, are more susceptible to natural disaster (although developed nations incur a greater financial loss) and often suffer from starvation.
so since they dont destroy the environments, we take it upon ourselves to do so.
whatever happens in 2012, and beyond, i hope we adapt biologically. EVOLVE.. or hey, even better, like the ron paul campaign (though im not a supporter) [EVOL]VE. because even today, evolution happens.
Monday, August 11, 2008
why some people shouldnt vote; and my dark side of the moon theory
So I was talking to wes last night, about the election, and he told me he doesn't vote. Not in the 04 election, not for the lesser government offices. I told him hes voting in this election, because im hardcore about that. He said hes not too much into politics, and doesnt really follow the issues. He then went on to tell me he wanted Bush to get reelected because... get this "hes got those sticking out ears, and kinda a baby face.. i think hes cute!" asgfdfbniosubdvdsoreovbnadb. I told him he shouldnt vote.
theory: that a weapon or base could be established on the dark side of the moon in secret.
i was toying around with this idea.. i figured it was possible, since theres a dark side of the moon that we dont see, something like a laser or military base could be built without our knowledge. though they would have to turn the lights out, if any, when that side was facing the earth.
of course, i go to wikipedia to verify my theory, and learned about the far side of the moon (often mistaken as the "dark side of the moon" actually the whole moon gets illuminated, but only one side faces the earth) which is even better because it would never be pointing towards earth. however, they have considered putting a radio telescope on that side, but several factors prevent that from happening. yeah, theyre thinking of research, and im thinking of the militarization of space..
theory: that a weapon or base could be established on the dark side of the moon in secret.
i was toying around with this idea.. i figured it was possible, since theres a dark side of the moon that we dont see, something like a laser or military base could be built without our knowledge. though they would have to turn the lights out, if any, when that side was facing the earth.
of course, i go to wikipedia to verify my theory, and learned about the far side of the moon (often mistaken as the "dark side of the moon" actually the whole moon gets illuminated, but only one side faces the earth) which is even better because it would never be pointing towards earth. however, they have considered putting a radio telescope on that side, but several factors prevent that from happening. yeah, theyre thinking of research, and im thinking of the militarization of space..
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
- not moving in with hope
- taking com 112 this summer- only 2 1/2 more weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- went to STL magic house, city museum and zoo. city museum is beyond amazing.
- might still move in with rachel
- hope never calls anymore, i think its because she has a car now.
- yay wes!
- "liquor liquor liquor yay!"
- parents out of town this weekend.
- i wish my phone could store more txts
- did i mention schools over soon?
- i cant wait til august.
- august is gonna be great
- but i want a new job.
- poo.
- ive also gotta write a 1 pg paper right now.
- poo.
- just 2 more weeks.
- :)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
so, about a week or two ago, my parents proposed to me them finding a condo, and buying it, and having all of us rent it from them. so we were all over that, because wed end up in a better neighborhood, lower rent, all that great jazz. so, they were looking around, and most places were either 2 BD, or 3 BD with problems, like limited parking, rotted out floorboards, etc. so, poo on that.
so i went looking, online, found this place, requested info about availability on some apartments, not even 10 minutes after i fill the form out, i get a call from a lady at chatham hills, and they have a 3 BD available, and i set up an appointment to go see it. the complex looks pretty nice, has a pool, fitness center, fun stuff like that. whole place feels just like chatham. you know, with kids getting arrested for drugs and fighting, and the administration are douchebags. aw hells yea.
so for a little bit, it was a tentative "no"... till guys mom went crazy and started yelling at him and hope and guy's GRANDMA about absolutely nothing. so i called hope (saving her from mary ann's wrath) and shes like "i think were gonna need to take that chatham hills place"
at first, i was a little worried about our financial situation, because wed have the rent, and we may still have to buy some furniture, but i just got 500$ of my parents tax return
because i had given them my tuition info to get them a bigger refund (since i couldnt because im still a dependent). so that will help out greatly.
plus ill be getting a second job, which should also help. probably meijer.
so i went looking, online, found this place, requested info about availability on some apartments, not even 10 minutes after i fill the form out, i get a call from a lady at chatham hills, and they have a 3 BD available, and i set up an appointment to go see it. the complex looks pretty nice, has a pool, fitness center, fun stuff like that. whole place feels just like chatham. you know, with kids getting arrested for drugs and fighting, and the administration are douchebags. aw hells yea.
so for a little bit, it was a tentative "no"... till guys mom went crazy and started yelling at him and hope and guy's GRANDMA about absolutely nothing. so i called hope (saving her from mary ann's wrath) and shes like "i think were gonna need to take that chatham hills place"
at first, i was a little worried about our financial situation, because wed have the rent, and we may still have to buy some furniture, but i just got 500$ of my parents tax return
because i had given them my tuition info to get them a bigger refund (since i couldnt because im still a dependent). so that will help out greatly.
plus ill be getting a second job, which should also help. probably meijer.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
so, im getting a duplex with my friends hope and guy, in about a week. Ive already signed and ive been filling out the rest of my paperwork today.. i told my parents at dinner about it, though i didnt tell them the whole truth. i made it sound like things werent set in stone so much, and that id be moving "beginning of may" when its may 1 or 2 that ill start moving in. they also dont know that guy and hope already live together. They also think that rachel will be moving in too, when shes not since it will only be a 2 BD.
and my mom says she doesnt like the neighborhood the duplexes are in, and she wants to try to help me find an alternative, for me and rachel. so ARGGH.
i know this is my fault, for springing this on them, but to be honest, this was sort of sprung on me as well. itll still be pretty cool if i end up doing it.
and my mom says she doesnt like the neighborhood the duplexes are in, and she wants to try to help me find an alternative, for me and rachel. so ARGGH.
i know this is my fault, for springing this on them, but to be honest, this was sort of sprung on me as well. itll still be pretty cool if i end up doing it.
Monday, April 21, 2008
eye heart 420chan
so, a few weeks ago, garrett mentioned to me 420chan. id been getting sick of 4chans faggotry, even on /x/ .. i had found some solace in /r9k/ but only because originality is strictly enforced.
anyway, 420chan blows 4chan out of the water, mostly because it has a philosophy board, so i can talk with other intelligent stoners about the important stuff of life, like if a boat is still the same boat if you replace all of its parts over time. its /b/ is also a bit more sophisticated too, with still being mostly pronz, niggers, and other disgusting things.
but really, its all about the /ph/
anyway, 420chan blows 4chan out of the water, mostly because it has a philosophy board, so i can talk with other intelligent stoners about the important stuff of life, like if a boat is still the same boat if you replace all of its parts over time. its /b/ is also a bit more sophisticated too, with still being mostly pronz, niggers, and other disgusting things.
but really, its all about the /ph/
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
i guess ill post what i said about cloverfield on /x/

and i must say, i can agree with what people say about the "camera work" and it coulda been less lame if it had been a little more about the monster and wtf is with those little things.
but what does the word "cloverfield" have to do with anything..? obviously its the monster, but why is i called that, any idea?
anyway, if you understand what they were trying to do with it, its a pretty decent movie (though definitely overhyped)
anyway, i suppose i liked it. it definitely follows the rule of "if you get split up, someone will die in the next couple minutes." i love predictability. seriously helicopters. and when they were going down the stairs with the camera light on, total "28 weeks later" flashback. only the camera persons not an idiot in this case ("im keeping the light on you guys, so i can see you, just keep walking forward.. walking forward..." "AHHH OH GOD I STEPPED IN SOMETHING" *rage*)
i think ill end up renting it though. i cant stand this i-cant-quite-see-whats-going-on-because-jpeg-artifacts-make-it-look-shitty. i like to see my movies.
everyone has them. certain numbers they see everywhere, or consider lucky..
my personal lucky numbers are: 6, 63, 16, and 13 (in that order, lol)
significant/frequently seen times:
11:11 is a popular one, ive been told to wish on that.
12:31 is my birthday, i see that alot
12:34 a counterpart to the previous one
1:11 a new one for me actually, i just started seeing this more.
i also counted what day the 111th is this year (special because its a leap year) and lo and behold.. 4/20
... mm but im not crazy like that.
but the times are a little wierd. my whole life, ive seen 12:31/12:34 (the latter, is sort of a lucky time.. i suppose. but i see them nearly every day. mostly at night. but its strange you know, because ill just think "hmm what time is it?" and BAM 12:3x. sure i check the time throughout the day, but this is so consistent. and often, if i see 12:31, i dont look back until EXACTLY 12:34 .. ooooooh creepy.
you will not believe this..
i downloaded cloverfied and watched it.. i had gone back and was reading the opening, because i was posting something about it...
and i just looked over. it was stopped at 1:11
not only that. the timer at the bottom says 4:20:19
my personal lucky numbers are: 6, 63, 16, and 13 (in that order, lol)
significant/frequently seen times:
11:11 is a popular one, ive been told to wish on that.
12:31 is my birthday, i see that alot
12:34 a counterpart to the previous one
1:11 a new one for me actually, i just started seeing this more.
i also counted what day the 111th is this year (special because its a leap year) and lo and behold.. 4/20
... mm but im not crazy like that.
but the times are a little wierd. my whole life, ive seen 12:31/12:34 (the latter, is sort of a lucky time.. i suppose. but i see them nearly every day. mostly at night. but its strange you know, because ill just think "hmm what time is it?" and BAM 12:3x. sure i check the time throughout the day, but this is so consistent. and often, if i see 12:31, i dont look back until EXACTLY 12:34 .. ooooooh creepy.
you will not believe this..
i downloaded cloverfied and watched it.. i had gone back and was reading the opening, because i was posting something about it...
and i just looked over. it was stopped at 1:11
not only that. the timer at the bottom says 4:20:19

lucky numbers,
Monday, March 31, 2008
the internet is loud.
the last 4 or 5 generations of people have been raised by screens. We are all encultured to take what we see on TV as reality (excluding explicitly fictional content). We are strongly shaped by the messages we receive from these light-up boxes. It puts our children (and parents!) into a trance, and tells them what choices to make, how to view the world.
and such a thing as the internet emerged. a network to share information. at first it was slow, but as the technology was refined and more people logged on, things gradually improved. The internet grows by becoming more efficient, more streamlined. it evolves.
and it gives everyone a voice. not only can you passively sit back and experience the internet, you can make it happen. create a website or a blog. take photographs and show them to the world. find a mate. become someone else.
you see someone wouldnt walk into a room in real life and announce: "im female and fourteen years old, does anyone want to have sex with me?"
but you would online.
such is the freedom of anonymity.
everyone has a voice.
and the noise is so loud.
and such a thing as the internet emerged. a network to share information. at first it was slow, but as the technology was refined and more people logged on, things gradually improved. The internet grows by becoming more efficient, more streamlined. it evolves.
and it gives everyone a voice. not only can you passively sit back and experience the internet, you can make it happen. create a website or a blog. take photographs and show them to the world. find a mate. become someone else.
you see someone wouldnt walk into a room in real life and announce: "im female and fourteen years old, does anyone want to have sex with me?"
but you would online.
such is the freedom of anonymity.
everyone has a voice.
and the noise is so loud.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
so, i got my soul back last night
um, well to start off, i think i had truly the strangest experience of my life last night after getting home.. i still dont really know what to make of it, and ive got a feeling i didnt just imagine it, although ive got no proof. I was a little high cause i smoked on the way home, but i dont thin that had much to do with it, because i dont normally have these sort of experiences.
So, i get home at about 2.15-2.30 am.. i walk in my room and set down my purse. Im looking down and to the side, just kinda staring off into space... i see a horizon, very fuzzy, and doesnt really look like anything, and theres a dot flying closer, coming in from the left side towards me. the being sticks out its tongue, which is sort of like one of those vectors from "Donnie Darko" but much thinner, and it's covered in what at first i think are bees, but when it gets closer to me, i see that they arent, but i dont know what they are, the looked like little white peanuts in their shells.
The vector goes into my mouth, down my throat, somewhere in my chest. I ask what's going on, the being says "we're returning your soul." and i feel this.. white-ness inside of me, shining, like there's a tiny star inside my chest. "what..? what are you?" i asked, but it was gone.
after that, my hart was beating so hard. I asked if the experience was genuine, and i seemed to be getting "yes" as an answer.
then i went into my bathroom, took a few pictures of myself in the mirror. then i took one of myself, and a voice in my head started yelling at me "fool! cameras steal your soul!" "no they dont" "yes! yes they do!" and i said "well if you exist then.. " and whoomp. i felt that same feeling i'd just had when that other thing returned my soul to me.
and talked to "god" for about 30 mins, about all sorts of stuff.
I asked him, "who are you?" he wouldnt tell me.. "what are you?" and he said "that's the same thing." then he called himself "the mover" a term i had heard in philosophy class..
he told me how he sets things into motion, and that we get choices along the way. kinda like a wheel rolling down a hill, and we can lean left or right to change directions.
he confirmed the thing about 2012, how our sister star will bring the end of our civilization in a rain of asteroids.
he also confirmed some things for me id been thinking, about my past lives. I dont know much about them, because you cant remember them until youre fully enlightened.
he also wouldnt tell me when i lost my soul, but it was some time after i stopped being catholic, although that wasnt what lost me my soul.
in fact, he told me that all religions are equally justified, that they all worship the same thing. and that "god" is really not worthy of the kind of praise they give him, although he doesnt mind it.
and not all people have souls, because god only has so many "arms" which he uses to embody certain people, to use them for certain purposes, thats what gives some people "auras" ... and that the god system is tiered.. this god is actually a part of a larger "network" of gods, connected to a higher god which sort of controls all of them.
this tier system extends throughout the universe. each unit builds upon eachother to reach the next highest form of energy/matter/being.. and each unit spins, like tiny little clocks ticking, marking the passage of time (this goes back to the theory that time is circular, the different units follow different size loops) and even the galaxies spin in complex patterns, as they are a part of a much lager unit, the universe, which is something we are too tiny to see yet, and there's even something past that, which is made up of many universes spinning around eachother. this also goes down to the molecular level, protons and neutrons and electrons are also made up of smaller particles, which are made of even smaller things, and this extends indefinitely both ways.
oh, and yes, god is an asshole. but hes an asshole with a sense of humor.
--EDIT 3/18/08 4:53AM--
>>Disclaimer: I don't necessarily believe any of the revelations in this to be true, and mostly attribute this to being me talking to myself. But the whole soul thing is truly bizarre. I remembered today that a few years ago I "sold my soul" for something, and i can't remember what. I do think that I got whatever it was. which kinda sucks.
Monday, March 3, 2008
crop circles
short post this time, just two things for you to watch. yes, many crop circles are faked, but take a look at these, especially the second if youre a total skeptic. that shit gets crazy
i do live a somewhat normal life.. er.
so my brother comes to my room and he says "did you leave bacon in the microwave?"
and im like "what.. no? ... yeah."
i was making ramen earlier, and i wanted bacon too, so i stuck some in the microvave. and apparently i turned it on and left it there, because right away my noodles started boiling.
and that was like, an hour or so ago.
i kinda fail.
and im like "what.. no? ... yeah."
i was making ramen earlier, and i wanted bacon too, so i stuck some in the microvave. and apparently i turned it on and left it there, because right away my noodles started boiling.
and that was like, an hour or so ago.
i kinda fail.
p-p-p-planet x (i need a better hobby)
so, a few days ago, i posted about planet x, or nibiru, or our sister star, or whatever else it may be.
there seems to be some discrepancies to what exactly is going to be passing through our solar system. most videos ive seen say that the star will be passing through, that we will see two suns (ive seen one video that asserts we can already see it in the southern hemisphere) in the next few years coming. one video (ill try to find it and post it if i can) says that it will be one of the star's planets, nibiru that will pass through.
regardless *what* is gonna go through our solar system, it will wreak havoc. our moon's gravity pulls our oceans up and gives us the tides, imagine what a much more massive, much hotter object added to the equation would do to us. if it really is coming up from the south, then that may explain the depletion of the ozone at the south pole...
the important thing to remember is that civilizations have survived this before. our species has teetered on the brink of extinction before.
i can only hope, however that this is the end of us. i know thats about as pessimistic as you can get... but seriously, this earth needs change. it needs a break from us. we are raping mother earth a hundred times over, leaving her almost barren. this is why the apocalypse gives me hope. i personally and ready to die when the time comes. there's more to life than existence.
theres two versions of this is seems (first one is third in a series, the second is a "revised version" but says different things)
__i should not i dont buy into everything these videos say. i havent researched much into these things, but i would say itd be hard to find an official source on this. (but then, the videos had to get their info from somewhere..)__
there seems to be some discrepancies to what exactly is going to be passing through our solar system. most videos ive seen say that the star will be passing through, that we will see two suns (ive seen one video that asserts we can already see it in the southern hemisphere) in the next few years coming. one video (ill try to find it and post it if i can) says that it will be one of the star's planets, nibiru that will pass through.
regardless *what* is gonna go through our solar system, it will wreak havoc. our moon's gravity pulls our oceans up and gives us the tides, imagine what a much more massive, much hotter object added to the equation would do to us. if it really is coming up from the south, then that may explain the depletion of the ozone at the south pole...
the important thing to remember is that civilizations have survived this before. our species has teetered on the brink of extinction before.
i can only hope, however that this is the end of us. i know thats about as pessimistic as you can get... but seriously, this earth needs change. it needs a break from us. we are raping mother earth a hundred times over, leaving her almost barren. this is why the apocalypse gives me hope. i personally and ready to die when the time comes. there's more to life than existence.
theres two versions of this is seems (first one is third in a series, the second is a "revised version" but says different things)
__i should not i dont buy into everything these videos say. i havent researched much into these things, but i would say itd be hard to find an official source on this. (but then, the videos had to get their info from somewhere..)__
binary star,
global warming,
planet x,
Friday, February 29, 2008
"planet x", our sister star
I was watching this last night, its 50 minutes long, but you could probably skip most of it, or have it on while youre playing a video game (i was on wow healing an instance, listening to it)
It talks about how we are in a binary star system, with a brown or white dwarf, that every 2400 years causes "the end of the world" when it returns to our part of the solar system. we have seen this other star twice in the past 25 years: in 1983, as it was 50,000 light years away, and again a few years ago, as it was 9,000 light years away. It is quickly approaching, and will be here by 2012.
there is another series, that while it doesnt acknowledge that "planet x" is our sister star, it is much more concise, and provides a slightly different view on the events to come in 2012
learning about this has showed me that time is cyclical. the rise and fall of celestial bodies, and their interaction with our part of the solar system has drastic effects on it. Not only that, but there is a regular pattern to these events that the ancients were able to synchronize their time to. the universe replicates these tiny cycling objects over and over and over again, from electrons spinning (or at least moving) around the nucleus, our earth rotating about its own axis, our solar system flying through space on an arm of our galaxy.. who knows how high (and low) this pattern goes. Infinity is a very simple concept to grasp if you dont try too hard. i think of winding up a great cosmic clock and letting it go, letting entropy unwind.
things are much greater than we know, what we think we know.
we are inevitably running towards death, unable to stop or slow down.
enjoy your cancer.
on a personal level, as i have said ive always been interested in space. I have always believed in aliens, and to a certain degree spirits/ghosts. When i was younger and on my first alien "kick" sometimes i could feel a presence, as if something was out there (or very close) watching, knowing. Last night, i felt that presence again, but only briefly. it was distinctly familiar, and i hadnt felt it for many years (many to me is 7 or 8, oh how young we all are).
i am reminded of a dream i had once. the aliens had come. i remember walking out into my living room, and a giant eye was looking through the picture window. the radio told us all to go to the mall. once there, it was very crowded, of course it was as the whole town was there. the aliens were calling people forward, to take with them. i kept asking them to take me, but i was not selected. i was not meant to go with them.
i had another dream, that i had gone outside to play with a gun, and i shot towards the sun, and made it, destroying the sun. everything was slowly growing colder and darker, this process would take a few years. everyone knew it was my fault for shooting out the sun and dooming them all.
i have also realized that in light of this "blogging revolution"/information age, much of our data is stored on centralized servers. If a world destroying sun (our own little death star) did bring down a rain of meteors, much of our information would be lost. This destruction of information seems to occur with every cycle we go through. imagine how much information has been destroyed over the millennia. when the major servers are destroyed, especially those for blog sites, the "lives" of millions will be lost forever, for once, not in the literal sense but figuratively. where we previously has journals, and tactile evidence of the past, we now store much of our data electronically, which not only makes it more efficient to contain, but also to destroy.
what did our ancestors know that has been lost to the ages?
binary star,
global warming,
planet x,
Friday, February 22, 2008
random crap about stuff and shit
i know i could probably be a little more specific with my topic. i mean, i sort of know what im gonna be talking about. i may go back to doing vlogs if i can get that set up, although im not sure they would really help me make my points.
ive kinda been on this tangent for a few months now, ive probably been interested in aliens my whole life. Perhaps it started with close encounters of the third kind. i know i loved that movie, so thats what probably initially fueled my interest. i remember checking out books from the library about alien sightings. more recently i watch stuff on youtube. lulz.
What is out there?
I always view reports of aliens/ufos with some skepticism. and granted, im sure there are fakes that i dont catch. But i think that enough people have witnessed these types of events, and there are consistencies in their reports. Discrepancies are attributed to the theory that as many as 52 alien species are visiting us. Holy shit, 52? not just the little gray men? wait, you mean green?
green, gray, orange, brown... who knows what else?
look at all the creepy fish we have only so recently discovered in the oceans. EVOLUTION HAPPENS PEOPLE. we have evidence, we can see natural selection happening, it doesnt take that long. so what the hell makes earth so special that were the only life out there among the infinite number of stars and galaxies. what makes air and water so special that they should be the sole life-force? organisms are highly adaptable, able to withstand high and low heat, and considerable pressure. I believe that where life can form, it will.
i personally think at least some of these visitors are from our own solar system. it doesnt seem like they could travel hundreds of light years in those tiny ships.
perhaps these beings created us? or some forms of life on this planet? we are messing with genetics and nature. we are mastering (really nowadays its modifying) our environment to support ever increasing numbers of our kind. (i cant wait till we start having famines. that'll kill off plenty of people. perhaps we can breed with anorexic people to better withstand the effects of malnutrition.)
those visited by grays seem to receive the message that we are destroying our planet, or that "the end"/"doom" is approaching. Some regard them as prophets in this sense.
how would we know where aliens come from? we cant ask them, our words would not be the same as their name for their home planet. If theyre not from around here, how would we even make sense of what they told us?
why do we seem so much less technologically advanced than these visitors? are we? maybe their life just necessitates advanced forms of travel. why does it seem some can communicate telepathically? or do we just imagine this to fill the silence we encounter?
is mans destiny to explore the universe?
ive kinda been on this tangent for a few months now, ive probably been interested in aliens my whole life. Perhaps it started with close encounters of the third kind. i know i loved that movie, so thats what probably initially fueled my interest. i remember checking out books from the library about alien sightings. more recently i watch stuff on youtube. lulz.
What is out there?
I always view reports of aliens/ufos with some skepticism. and granted, im sure there are fakes that i dont catch. But i think that enough people have witnessed these types of events, and there are consistencies in their reports. Discrepancies are attributed to the theory that as many as 52 alien species are visiting us. Holy shit, 52? not just the little gray men? wait, you mean green?
green, gray, orange, brown... who knows what else?
look at all the creepy fish we have only so recently discovered in the oceans. EVOLUTION HAPPENS PEOPLE. we have evidence, we can see natural selection happening, it doesnt take that long. so what the hell makes earth so special that were the only life out there among the infinite number of stars and galaxies. what makes air and water so special that they should be the sole life-force? organisms are highly adaptable, able to withstand high and low heat, and considerable pressure. I believe that where life can form, it will.
i personally think at least some of these visitors are from our own solar system. it doesnt seem like they could travel hundreds of light years in those tiny ships.
perhaps these beings created us? or some forms of life on this planet? we are messing with genetics and nature. we are mastering (really nowadays its modifying) our environment to support ever increasing numbers of our kind. (i cant wait till we start having famines. that'll kill off plenty of people. perhaps we can breed with anorexic people to better withstand the effects of malnutrition.)
those visited by grays seem to receive the message that we are destroying our planet, or that "the end"/"doom" is approaching. Some regard them as prophets in this sense.
how would we know where aliens come from? we cant ask them, our words would not be the same as their name for their home planet. If theyre not from around here, how would we even make sense of what they told us?
why do we seem so much less technologically advanced than these visitors? are we? maybe their life just necessitates advanced forms of travel. why does it seem some can communicate telepathically? or do we just imagine this to fill the silence we encounter?
is mans destiny to explore the universe?
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